How to Win the Battle Over Data

A data center in Lulea, Sweden by David Levene / eye vine / Redux

In recent years, a number of authoritarian governments have begun taking data very seriously.

By Katherine Mansted

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping believe that the twenty-first century belongs to nations that control communications platforms, suppress independent media, and dominate the development of data-driven technologies such as artificial intelligence. These regimes cordon off their domestic Internet space and shut off their citizens from global information flows, while undermining rival countries through disinformation campaigns and hacking. Authoritarian governments try to steal the intellectual property and databases of foreign organizations, but lock foreign firms out of their own data-rich sectors.

The United States has yet to show up to this information fight. U.S. cyberstrategists prioritize defending physical infrastructure—routers, servers, and endpoint devices such as laptops and smartphones—but consistently underestimate the economic and political significance of the information carried on that infrastructure. The U.S. private sector, which rarely acts in the American national interest, is primarily responsible for protecting data and information platforms.

For the full article, originally published on Foreign Affairs, see the link below.


How to Win the Battle Over Data

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Updated:  16 April 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of College, National Security College/Page Contact:  Web administrator